Quality treatment for teens and adults

Teen Behavioral Health

NATURAL - Experiential - Personable

Evidence Based

We provide evidence-based behavioral supports, Crimson Counseling is proud to be serving the teens and adult community, schools, and foster programs throughout Utah. 

Funding Coverage

We serve clients with private insurance, clients with self funded coverage, department of human services, and all clients with medicaid coverage. We work collaboratively with each organization to provide the highest quality of services.


Experiential functional skills training can be used for teens and adults who are being treated for autism, ODD, conduct issues, oppositional defiance, grief/loss, trauma, anxiety, depression and related conditions.

How does it work

We focus on doing rather than talking. Experience has greater impact for learning.

Experiential therapy focuses on doing rather than talking. Therapists encourage clients to engage in activities which occupy the mind and body, often allowing the individual to process emotions and information more easily.

The therapist may then provide feedback, either during or after the exercise, while also allowing the client to engage their own feelings and reactions. Many of these activities take place outside a normal office setting.

a peaceful forest scene with the setting sun casting golden rays through the dense trees, creating long shadows and highlighting the intricate branches.


Experiential training in particular may be helpful for those who struggle with sit down face-to-face interactions with a counselor or functional skills specialist. It can be difficult to build report in a restricted setting, but experiential interventions may help reduce that stress.

Each technique is designed to engage an individual while experiencing the natural environment, thereby helping to ease the process. We seek a different level of innovation to treat and rehabilitate at the highest possible level of functioning. "My son was able to find his passions and develop skills that has moved him closer to independence.

Crimson counseling

Serving the individual is at the center of everything we do!

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